Understanding how to save money, build your wealth and invest with confidence can put you on the path toward financial security. In addition to the IFIC Investor Centre, here are some top online resources to help:
Get Smarter About Money. This resource is brought to you by the Ontario Securities Commission and offers a range of financial tools to help investors make better informed financial decisions. It covers topics ranging from the basics of bank accounts and budgeting to retirement planning.
BCSC InvestRight. The B.C. Securities Commission has valuable information in areas such as fraud prevention, risk tolerance and investment planning. The site also includes interactive elements like videos and quizzes to help investors learn the basics and test their knowledge.
Canadian Financial Literacy Database. The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada’s database offers a one-stop shop for information on financial topics. Content from organizations across the country covers topics such as mortgages and loans, credit and debt management and insurance.
Autorité des marchés financiers. Quebec’s regulator offers helpful information for investors ranging from financial considerations for different life events to topics on insurance, investments and fraud prevention.