Getting an education is a valuable opportunity to invest in yourself. An important part of preparing for your academic years is to save as much as possible so that you can minimize the amount you need to borrow. These financial tips will help you plan for success:
- Save as much as you can from any part-time or summer jobs.
- Research if there are scholarships or bursaries available, your school may be able to help you find information.
- Learn about government loans or grants that are available to students and see if you meet eligibility requirements.
- Research student aid and other resources that you might be eligible for in your province or territory.
- Investigate student loans. Borrow only what you need so that you can minimize how much you will need to repay. Make sure you understand what you need to pay on the student loan and when those payments are due.
You can learn more about financial options to help students on the Government of Canada website.
If your parent, guardian, or other family member has been saving for your education in a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP), you will need to understand what can be withdrawn from the RESP and when. For more information on RESPs visit the Government of Canada website.
Planning for your education early can help you be more prepared and ease financial pressures so that you can focus on your studies.